Back in Blacksburg

I haven't posted in awhile due to all the chaos of getting myself back to school, moving in, getting textbooks, getting to class for the first day etc etc etc ON CRUTCHES! I have been exhausted, moody, and overall pretty stressed out. I finally have about thirty minutes, however, to rest at my favorite cafe with a cup of coffee (don't ask how I got it to a table with my crutches) before I have to maneuver myself and my textbooks to my next lecture. Oh the joy.

I left to head back to Blacksburg with Bryson Sunday after my family brunch. The trip is about four hours from my house, which isn't bad at all. About an hour in, however, Bryson realized that he forgot his keys and student ID card at his house. Uh oh. We back tracked for about thirty minutes to meet his parents half way. Although Bryson was stressed about the extra driving, I didn't mind the time to myself to listen to music and contemplate life (it seems that I never have enough time).

I got home (which is what my dorm is now) Sunday night, unpacked all my stuff with my friend Emily, reorganized my room based on what worked and didn't work last semester, and hung out with Bryson before bed. I was completely exhausted!

Monday was filled with grocery shopping, textbook buying (ugh) and just getting some reading done before classes start! I had a smudge of a mental breakdown that Bryson was able to talk me through, and that I turned to God for around 3 this morning when I was having trouble sleeping. Instantly comforted, I was able to get just enough sleep in before my 9:30 class this morning!

Math, Psychology and Biology were on the schedule for today, and I got homework assigned in each one of them. At least I will be busy! I find that when I sit around too much, my mind wonders and I feel lonely.

Well, I am exhausted after crutching around all over campus for classes. This afternoon after classes, I'm going to relax start reading my new book (on my nook):

Anybody read it? Let me know! I'd love to hear what you think of it!


  1. Man, sure have been busy!! I haven't read that book, but I would love to hear how what you think of it :)

  2. I remember how crazy busy the first part of a new semester always is (and I can't imagine doing it on crutches)! I read the book and it was great! I actually got to hear Lysa speak at our old church in Memphis to kick off the study of this book (she is fantastic- if you ever get the chance to hear her, do it!). I think you'll really enjoy it! Also, if you don't already, you should sign up for Proverbs 31 daily devotions via e-mail and/or Lysa's blog posts.

  3. @Katie- I will be sure to let you know!

    @Jordan- You know what Jordan? I think I might have read about that book and Lysa coming to your church in your blog awhile back! I saw the book at Barnes and Nobles, thought it looked familiar, read the summary, and felt like the book was speaking to me! :] Ironic!
